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A delirious 2D versus fighting game about strange character in an uncanny world


A school project made by 10 people in 20 days on Unreal Engine 5

My tasks

- Designing the fighting system
- Designing unique moves for the characters
- Calculating the framedata for balancing purpose
- Prototyping on
- QA & balancing
- Game design documentation writing

My process

In concept phase, The goal was to create an "easy to learn, hard to master" type of fighting game

To ensure that, the idea of motion inputs were rapidly removed in the concept ; too restrictive for new players.

Instead, the choice of a "special move" button makes it easier for players to discover their character.
After the character's moves are designed, I created the framedata for each one of them.

I searched some similar moves we created that were close enough in other fighting games and create a new one, tweaked to the adequate pace wanted in the game.

Each attack frames are divided in three parts.
- The startup : the attack just begun but isn't dealing damage.
- The active : the attack IS dealing damage if the opponent is not blocking or dodging
- The recovery : the attack is finished and the character needs to go back to its idle state.

Some attacks are cancelable into other attacks to make combo smoother.
While the moves are created, A prototype in to determine the da​mage of hits and the production of ressources like the "super move" meter was created.

It helped balancing the characters with precision and speed without engaging the programer team.



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