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A fast-FPS in a medieval world where hordes of knight wants you dead.


A school project made by 10 people in 14 days on Unreal Engine 5

My tasks

- Designing the shoot system
- Designing the weaponry system
- Designing the wave managment
- Prototyping on
- QA & Tweaking
- Documentation

My process

As a first Fast FPS project, Searching the core of this game genre in both action and reflexion ended with clear indication :
- the
horizontal speed is pushed to the limit with a satisfying feeling of speed.
- Its weapon does not have recoil in general and most projectiles have travel time.
With that in mind, The crossbow keep the medieval inspiration and have a ranged weapon with a projectile who has a travel time, a suiting design for the project.

To add variety, A
heavy crossbow which can travel through multiple enemies but is slower to use was designed.
To reinforce the arsenal of the player, some secondary tools such as grenades and an execute were added to give diversity in the gameplay.

There is also
level elements such as explosive barrels and heal spots to block a possible "camping" problem and bring the player to move around the map.
To mesure the damage of the weapons, the number of enemies and other parameters, I created a prototype on to determine and quickly tweak them before implementation.

A great tool to iterate the gamefeel without intefering with the programmers.
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